White Paper
Six Phrases That Should Be Banned From Employment Ads and Resumes
We are not in favor of banning things here at Right Recruiting. But after 40 years of looking at resumes and writing ads, it has convinced us that some words are either overused or misused. They’ve basically become clichés. Here is a list of candidates for a general banning. We also have a brief description of what the reader gets from the word, which is usually not what the writer expected…
Strategic Visionary
Writer’s Meaning– I am a very smart person who can see into the future
Reader’s Understanding– Someone who will tell everyone what to do and blame them if things do not work.
Example– Hey team, I have a visionary idea for a new product. Let’s make a teleporter. Go work out the details.
Opposite– I have never seen a resume from a Myopic Tactician. Are there any out there?
Writer’s Meaning– Someone who cares greatly about the company and who talks about it an awful lot. Especially in front of his or her boss.
Reader’s Understanding– Someone who is more interested in saying how much they care rather than actually, you know, doing their job.
Example– All my employees must be passionate employees. They have to care about the company as much as I do. By the way, I will be at the boat show in Miami next week if anything comes up. Thanks team. Go get ‘em!
Opposite– Someone who quietly goes out and gets the job done without praise.
Writer’s Meaning– Growth oriented risk taker.
Reader’s Understanding– Someone who has never personally risked a dime, but who is great at telling other people how to risk their money.
Example– Hey boss, I have a great idea for a product- a teleporter. Let’s invest your money in it!
Opposite– Someone who inherited a profitable $20,000,000/yr. business and who is happily turning it into a money losing $10,000,000/yr. business that pays his family’s car leases
Positive Culture
Writer’s Meaning– A great place to work.
3) If you are working at a major employer in a small town, at least consider moving now. If the worst happens and your employer lays people off, you may have to move for a new job. But, if many people are laid off in your small town, you will be trying to sell your home along with many others in the same boat. A lack of personal mobility can be a very limiting factor in a job search.
Reader’s Understanding – Blah blah blah
Example– Ignore our 30% annual turnover. I created an employee survey that says we have a GREAT culture. Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes? See, I bought this poster that inspires everyone culturally too.
Opposite– We hire competent people who also have lives outside of work.
Consensual Team Environment
Writer’s Meaning– Everyone agrees on a direction before we move forward. We are a team.
Reader’s Understanding– We are going to have tons of meetings and someone will inevitably find a way to veto any good idea.
Example– I know this job has been open for 15 years but in our consensual environment we haven’t been able to agree on any candidate. Even though sales have been dropping for 15 years, we still need to find a VP Sales who can fit our culture.
Opposite– Almost any growing company with good leadership.
Writer’s Meaning– Help others do their job better.
Reader’s Understanding– Uh, oh. I will have lots of responsibility but no authority.
Alternative Reader’s Understanding– Another resume from a person taking credit for something they did not do.
Alternative example– My exemplary work loading packages in the warehouse facilitated the company’s 25% increase in sales
Alternative example– My exemplary work loading packages in the warehouse facilitated the company’s 25% increase in sales
Opposite– Here are your specific responsibilities and the tools/staff/budget you will have at your disposal.
Alternative opposite- Here are my personal accomplishments and the specific steps I took to complete them.