725 Skippack Pike #320, Blue Bell, PA 19422



In this episode we are going to talk aboutcounteroffers and wether or not to accept them.

Counter offers. In this video, we are going to talk about counter offers. If you are a manager that has extended a counteroffer, or if you are a candidate that has accepted or turned down a counteroffer, please share that experience in the comments section below with everybody else.

We started thinking about counter offers here because we got a call from an ex candidate who had actually accepted a counteroffer.

He was calling because the counteroffer had come with a promotion and he needed help filling some jobs in his department and he asked if we could help him.
So obviously that got us to thinking- when counter offers work, and when do they not work? And I’m going to tell you when they work and when they don’t work. They don’t work if it’s just money. If you have just gotten a salary increase because you’ve come to your employer with another offer, it is basically getting your next review early. Which is fine, except they will take it back in your next review.

If it is just a counteroffer that matches the salary you got in pocket, you should not accept it. If the counter offer is vague promises about a future promotion or career opportunity, you should not accept it because those promises, even if they are well intentioned, and they usually are not, can disappear because the person that makes those promises can get fired, or can quit,  or the company can get bought. And that promises for a promotion in a year, 2 years or 3 years will evaporate like the morning dew.

The only kind of counteroffer that you should seriously consider, as a candidate, is a counteroffer that includes a tangible promotion, that at that time, is yours. and it should come with a salary increase that is tied to that promotion. That is a real opportunity that you should consider. I am not saying you should take it, but you should consider it. That is the only kind of counter offer you should consider. Hopefully that has helped you evaluate your situation.

And please, if you have had a counteroffer experience- pro or con, please share in the comment section below. and we can start a dialogue about counter offers.
Once again, thanks for listening and watching this video from Right Recruiting in Blue Bell Pennsylvania.

Music by Ema Grace | “Check Them In” http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Ema_Grace/~/Check_Them_In
Creative Commons Attribution License — Changed only to shorten for need.

The right resume on the right desk at the right time.