725 Skippack Pike #320, Blue Bell, PA 19422

2019 | Right Recruiting | 4 things that occurred over the year


In this video, we are going to talk about 4 things that occurred over the year, that I thought were interesting, they were kind of quirky.


Before I start, I need to apologize to everybody watching. My cracker jack video crew is appalled. I didn’t shave this morning and I’m wearing my lumberjack shirt. We have 2 dogs and it was 15 degrees outside this morning and they demand to be walked at 6:00 am. Not only was it 15 degrees out, the wind was going at about 20 to 25 miles an hour. There is a big field outside our house that they love to walk through. So, I needed the extra insulation around my face to keep my complexion appropriate and I needed the flannel shirt as well. If you are offended, I apologize.

The first, let’s start on a positive note, I realized that this was the end of my 40th year in this industry.   I’d like to thank Ilya Bleeker who was the first person I placed (if Ilya is still around) as a maintenance technician.

I’d like to thank Brad Kirsch, if Brad is still around, who is the Plant Manager at Penn Walt company in Philadelphia, who hired Ilya from me. You guys started this, so thanks for that.
By the best way I can figure, it’s probably been about 1800 in the 40 years that I’ve personally placed, not just the company, and probably between 400 to 450 companies. I’d like to thank all of them, if I could. It’s been an interesting 4 decades, and I expect it to continue. As long as our phone keeps ringing, it will, I promise you that.

So, from the positive, let’s go to unfortunately a couple of negative things. I was cursed at by a client this year. I literally had someone scream on the phone that I was an MF person. I don’t why, still don’t understand it. We had just completed a placement with the client. I had sent an email thanking both the VP of HR and COO, a thank you email. I got a nice email back from the COO. It would seem like the fact that I responded to an email from the COO upset the VP of HR. He called and in a very loud voice, it was audible in the law office next door because it was on speaker phone, cursed me out for 20 seconds for some reason, insulting him? So, that happened.

The other thing that happened that was reasonably negative was we actually had to sue somebody. Finally, after 40 years in this business. Our client hired people; the people are still employed there. They decided after 2 to 3 months that for some reason they didn’t want to pay us, they didn’t need to pay us. After numerous calls, we finally turned it over to our lawyer. He is winding their way through the legal process now. The baffling thing about it is that all parties I’m sure know that know we are going to get paid. The higher our legal bill is, the more they will have to pay.  So, I’m’ not sure what the reason is, but that happened too.

To end this on maybe a more positive note, Cathy and I were going over a potential interview with a candidate for a client of ours. We were going through the client’s entire executive team and all the people they interviewed with, all the people they work with. I realized we placed all of the people there. That kind of snuck up on me too because sometimes when you have business relationships that last 5 or 10 years you forget that you’re actually contributing to a company’s success and growth. That was kind of a nice quiet good moment when that snuck up on us.

So that’s 2019, we are looking forward to 2020. Hopefully, we won’t have to sue anybody again. So, for all of you that have been working with us over the last few years, for candidates we’ve placed, we’d really like to thank you. Thank you for your loyalty, your good wishes and give our good wishes to you for the upcoming year.

Our next non-employment specific video will probably be done early 2021 and hopefully we’ll have some good stories for you then. So, I hope you’ve enjoyed this video. Hope we have some good messages for you and from you, and thanks again for your business. Best of luck in the new year.

Music by Ema Grace | “Check Them In” http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Ema_Grace/~/Check_Them_In
Creative Commons Attribution License — Changed only to shorten for need.

The right resume on the right desk at the right time.